Monday 7 November 2016

Review And Synopsis Movie Doctor Strange (2016)

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Review And Synopsis Movie Doctor Strange (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete Review And Synopsis Movie Doctor Strange (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete

Has seen some of its promotional material before watching, I've prepared a psychedelic visual assault would get from Doctor Strange. Yet with all these preparations, it was nonetheless there are still parts of the movie that surprised me. Same as experienced by her character being taught will be an infinite universe, this movie brings me to travel to the world that I had never seen before (at least in the Marvel cinematic universe), even with the base generic narrative. Doctor Strange was the strangest superhero movie and the craziest of Marvel so far. The trick isn't new, but its components — from The Matrix or some kind of movie Inception — and fresh in a way that feels fresh. A scene such as "bend building" directly borrowed from the Inception, but Director Scott Derrickson, along with his effects team could pass through it. There are no limits of space or the gravity here; the ceiling can be a floor, a flat surface can be degraded, the reality could be deflected. Not just for show-off effect, Derrickson use it with creative to drive some of the action sequences. Visual make dizzying action sequences, jazzed, but look fantastic at the same time.

All of this may sound irrational - clearly, Doctor Strange is not meant to make sense because it involves magic, ghosts and chakras. The film is intended as a show of special effects and, therefore, berpondasi strong on special effects. True, he was filled with CGI, but instead seem to be manifestations artifisal in the real world, its CGI serves as a means of development of the universe in the film. This is an example of the few movies where I can tolerate excessive CGI.Benedict Cumberbatch is physician Stephen Strange, a neurosurgeon great arrogant. Compared to save the patient, his first priority was reputation and money. Strange accidents occur when the spur of the flashy sports car, which resulted in his nerve defects. He could not write, let alone handle the operation. To find a cure, he traveled down to Kathmandu. There he met with the Patriarchs (Tilda Swinton), a mystical teacher who introduced him to the world of magic and multidimensional.

Meanwhile, a former disciple of the Patriarchs, Kaecillus (Mads Mikkelsen) has stolen the forbidden spell and plans to open the gates to the Dark Dimension. The college's ancestors during turns is the protector of the earth from the threat goib. And with great danger to be ahead, Strange must inevitably be involved in it. Fortunately, Strange able to master magic in so little time, that would make Harry Potter look stupid.Doctor Strange in the universe seems infinite, but all my knowledge in the watch, I learned that there are at least three dimensions here in addition to the real world: Astral Dimension, Dimension and Dimension Dark Mirror. The hero and villain we also fought in each of these dimensions. Common sense many times will be opposed by various visualization surreal. Film provides an explanation would be logical and regulatory dimensions, but, hey, since when magic make sense? All can happen and there are several points in the film where I do not know how and where something happened. The film is aware of the madness concept and make a joke of it.

The fight scenes magic is based, but not just throw a spell or fighting stance psychotherapy, but also martial arts as well as the manipulation of space and time. And this is not mere lip service; culminating in a Doctor Strange scenes that controls time. This scene involves a giant CGI creatures, but the peak is not the moment our hero doing battle with all manner blast bombastic CGI ... Oops, I said too much. Please find themselves.In addition to the impressive visual treat, another factor that elevates the quality of this film is the players who could bring almost one-dimensional character becomes worth watching. Doctor Strange is another Marvel movie that contains actors that are competent for the role. Swinton, Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor (who played as a right hand the Patriarchs, Mordo) easily integrates with their respective roles. Rachel McAdams (as Christine Palmer, co-workers Strange) just got a skimpy portion, but had enough chemistry to illustrate to us that they are already familiar for a long time. This film offers little room for character development, especially its Kaecillus Mikkelsen, who actually has a background that is quite interesting.

Doctor Strange is the origin story of Doctor Strange and given the track record Marvel movie more, I concluded that Marvel just got a grip that is restricted to tell the origin story champion. The film is not much different from the Iron Man or Ant-Man. But what a difference if you add it with a little imagination. The film is still Marvel conventional products, with "keyhole" the same. They just stretch it.

Review And Synopsis Movie Doctor Strange (2016)

Synopsis Movie Doctor Strange ( 2016 ) :
2016 Doctor Strange movie tells the story of someone who is very famous surgeon named Dr. Stephen Strange at which time it was played by an actor named Benedict Cumberbatch. Then one day when the doctor is experiencing a serious accident incident and also make injuring his hand. The incident even made his career ended. And with a determination without despair, finally Dr. Strange determined to find a cure so that life can return to normal. After a normal life back in the Doctor has the power of "The Sorcerer Supreme" or a sehir force that intends to protect the Earth from the threat of evil beings.

Movie Information   :
Genre                          : Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Actor                          : Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams
Release date               : November 4, 2016 (USA)
Director                      : Scott Derrickson
Music composed by   : Michael Giacchino
Production company : Marvel Studios
Story by                     : Scott Derrickson, C. Robert Cargill, Jon Spaihts
Country                      : USA
Language                   : English
Filming Locations     : New York City, New York, USA
Runtime                     : 115 min
IMDb Rating              : 8/10
Watch Trailer             :