Monday 3 October 2016

Review And Synopsis Movie Who Sleeps My Bro (2016)

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Review And Synopsis Movie Who Sleeps My Bro (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete Review And Synopsis Movie Who Sleeps My Bro (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete

Review And Synopsis Movie Who Sleeps My Bro (2016)

Internet drama Who debuted My Bro Sleeps 2 February 2016, each Monday through Friday. Male artists who are rising as Chen Xiao, Calvin Tu, Liu Rui-Lin and Li Xian participated and attended the drama. Who Sleeps My Bro directed by Zhang Qi tells the story about the life of a student.

For music penghiasnya, hoarse-voiced Taiwan singer Jams Hsiao worked with Gao Xiao-Xiong produced the song titled Wo De Da Xue. Video clips of the soundtrack has also been released a few days ago by showing scenes from My Bro.

Who Sleeps My Bro tells the daily life of 4 people friendly good student, portrayed by Chen Xiao, Calvin Tu, Liu Rui-Lin and Li Xian. Of course the story of their romance will become an attraction itself for this drama. A lot of netizen who assess, stories in My Bro approaching real events that frequently occur in the campus environment in China.

Jams Hsiao directly plunge themselves in the implementation of the video clip Wo De Da Xue. It is revealed that after seeing a synopsis of the story and song lyrics, made him reminisce those times in College used to be. In addition to Jams performed by famous producer, Gao Xiao-Xiong acted as a writer of songs and lyrics. GAO gave a lot of input for music in this drama. He thinks the song Wo De Da Xue was pouring out of the hearts of young people today.

On 27 January, the sites that play this drama has given a special trailer for its members. As a result, the netizen give positive acclaim. "The Film as real-life stories of students", so the opinion of one of the fans.

In a press conference, titled Face Party attended by the main character, Chen Xiao revealed that had a group of good friends in youth, they are not only as a friend, but also those who will always be in thy keeper: menemanimu and unconditionally. In the early years will you have a friend, brother, boyfriend, added Chen.

Of the footage in the video clip is visible many scenes by Xiao Qin and Chen Lan. One of them was Chen Qin peek from behind the bookcase or looked at the face painting of Qin in her dorm room. The audience really made curious, if Chen is indeed reportedly dating to the Qin or just love clap the next hand.

The drama of Who Sleeps My Bro can be watched for free in one of the streaming video site is the property of China. Based on the reports received, when My Bro is playing is limited to members on 17 January, in just over 12 hours, it was watched by as much as 1 million times. Later on 1 April 2016, a film of the same name Who Sleeps My Bro will be screened in cinemas throughout China.

Movie Information     :
Genre                            : Drama, Romance
Actor                             : Xiao Chen, Lan Qin
Director                         : Qi Zhang
Writer                            : Qi Zhang
Country                         : China
Language                      : Mandarin
Release Date                : 1 April 2016 (China)
Production Co              : Le Vision Pictures
Runtime                       : 96 min
IMDb Rating                : 5/10
Watch Trailer               :