Tuesday 27 September 2016

Review And Synopsis Movie Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)

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Review And Synopsis Movie Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete Review And Synopsis Movie Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Trailer Plot Story And Summary Complete

Review And Synopsis Movie Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)

This biopik movie showing the figure of the artist known as Madam Florence (played by Meryl Streep). Previously, this figure has inspired a variety of theatre productions. Director Stephen Frears repackaged New York socialite life enthusiastically learning to sing this to be an enjoyable comedy, as well as inspiring.

From rehearsal pianist along with Cosme ' Mc Moon (Simon Helberg) to travel to Florence meet his ambition to perform in great performances. Florence is also always accompanied by St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant), a partner at once her manager who is also an actor. Over the years, Clair protect Florence from people who later appearance, as well as convince Florence that all criticism is a form of hidden support that must be used as encouragement myself.

Long before there was a name of socialite Paris Hilton to Kim Kardashian, the American public never known socialite named Florence Foster Jenkins. The unique thing is, if the contemporary reality of selling more selebrita silliness of their daily life story and a luxurious lifestyle, it is not the case with Florence Foster Jenkins. Other fairy tale the King's new clothes, Jenkins had been a self-styled soprano star in New York. With the support of its people who expertly manipulating his solo concerts, Jenkins successfully fooling a lot of people with her diva reputation. Now, the United Kingdom, cinematographers Stephen Frears (Dangerous Liaisons, The Queen, Philomena) raised this with the eccentric millionaire story hook the big name Meryl Streep as Florence Foster Jenkins in the movie titled the same.

Florence Foster Jenkins (Streep) is a millionaire rich in New York who has a passion in the art of music. Co-founded the club music, Verdi Club proved not enough for Jenkins who feel have the talent to sing opera. The high esteem of her husband, St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant) who does not dare to reveal the reality in front of his taste and benefactors, Jenkins then continued being lied to by the impression of the star on him. A more drawn-out lie when Bayfield Juve shut cover the fact that Jenkins is actually a bad singer.

Jenkins is a phenomenon in the decade with close-set piercing, and the husband of Bayfield pervert reality, successfully deceiving and fishing kepenasaran New Yorkers, to successfully roll out a single iconic building concert Carnegie Hall that also was attended by major stars, such as Talulah Bankhead and Cole Porter. Amazingly, some people managed to get fooled by the false impression created Bayfield, including selling concert tickets Jenkins to certain people who have been selected because of his musical tastes are low, although as with the story of the King's new clothes, the truth is finally revealed. And this worked well translated by Frears on screen. Instead of making it a heavy drama biopic, Frears bring Florence Foster Jenkins toward comedy. With the name of the main stars Streep as, of course, Frears also not difficult to steer the play the co-star, including in the line of his supporters. Grant long not display impressive success also brought the play well, including Bayfield gestures clumsy in some scenes a pretty interesting komikal smile, acting specifically can be demonstrated by appropriate here. Similarly, the actors its founders came the series Big Bang Theory, Simon Helberg which Cosmé McMoon pas as berlakon, composers who initially felt fortunate, but later trapped in a desperate conspiracy created Bayfield. The star of the original Sweden, Rebecca Ferguson also played proportionally, as Bayfield mistress, until the appearance of the Broadway actress, Nina Arianda as OKB, Agnes Stark who also steal attention. But, of course, the real star in this movie are Streep. Oscar-nominated actress already as many as 19 times, appeared fresh, fragile, naive and ironic as Jenkins. Can't imagine if another actress who brought the role, since Streep menyawai lakonnya so well.

Eurotrip Nicholas Martin a lightweight but entertaining successfully offers a pleasant spectacle at once a little contemplative. Although it ended with enough haste, but with the support of strong performers until the briefing was quite relaxed yet Frears contains, Florence Foster Jenkins managed to leave an impression and message that is quite striking in the liver.

Film synopsis Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Florence Foster Jenkins 2016 Film tells the story of the true story of Florence Foster Jenkins (played by Meryl Streep), a beneficiary in New York State who have the dream of becoming an opera singer, although he has a terrible singing voice. The husband of Florence Foster i.e. St. Clair Bayfield (played by Hugh Grant) trying to make his wife realizes that her voice is less good. But Florence remains hard to do includes a public concert at Carnegie Hall in 1994. That's when St. Clair Bayfield realized will be a major challenge that will be encountered.

Movie Information     :
Genre                            : Biography, Comedy, Drama
Actor                             : Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg
Release date                  : August 12, 2016 (USA)
Director                        : Stephen Frears
Box office                     : 43.5 million USD
Budget                          : 19 million USD
Production companies  : Pathé, BBC Films, Qwerty Films
Filming Locations         : Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK
Production Co               : Qwerty Films, Pathé Pictures International, BBC Films
Runtime                        : 111 min
IMDb Rating                : 7.1/10
Watch Trailer                :